Repair grants and loans from HIA

You may be eligible for a grant to help with the costs of essential repairs, security and energy improvements. We refer to this type of grant as Special Purpose Assistance and it covers a variety of different needs such including but not limited to:

  • re-wiring
  • re-roofing
  • windows and doors
  • kitchen or bathroom improvements
  • fencing 
  • replacement boilers

We may prioritise work that meets fitness standards, and if demand is high we may have to prioritise work we can help with.

The grants are administered by the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency.

The agency’s Adaptations Policy [PDF, 0.8MB] explains what types of grants and help are available. It was approved in 2019.

Repair grants

You may be eligible for up to £10,000.

Repair grants are fully means tested, and you may have to make a contribution to the cost of the work.

You can only apply for one repair grant in any three-year period.

If the repairs required to your home meet the criteria for being a "category one hazard", under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System, you may be eligible for further funding which would be secured as a charge against our property.

This would only become payable when the property is sold or transferred. This is an excellent option for those who need repairs but don't have the money to pay for them at the time.

All grants and loans are means tested and you must be over 18 to qualify.


Contact us to request an application form.

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